South Dakota Educational Office Professionals

Formerly SDAEOP

Membership List is updated-Please check to see if you have paid your dues!

 South Dakota Educational Office Professional     

At the 2023 SDAEOP Convention it was decided to dissolve SDAEOP due to need to follow multiple bylaws, lack of volunteers for the necessary offices and the fact that the majority of members wanted this to be a NETWORKING group with a summer convention to "get away" from the job. With that thought in mind, the members present at the 2023 convention voted to create SDEOP with less bylaws and a focus on the summer conventions. Please continue to support our group and know that we are still focused on being a support system to all Educational Office Professionals.

             SDEOP Facebook: 

Is a great way to stay connected with members across the state and share personal stories, adventures, photos, links, inspiration and look for upcoming events.


  NAEOP Website:

SDEOP is no longer affiliated with the National Association of Educational Office Professionals which is also affiliated with NCA (North Central Area).

The NAEOP Website consists of national information regarding the NAEOP Organization. SDEOP Members are encouraged to join NAEOP & attend national conventions if they are able.


Shutterfly Site:                 invite only

it was created to share pictures, contact Charla Callahan if you would like

to be added to the shutterfly site


Pinterest Site:                   SDAEOP

If you have questions would like to learn more about us contact

one of the SDAEOP Board members listed on the Website.

SDEOP Information for Prospective Members


SDEOP is open to all South Dakota Educational Office Professionals-including Business office, Secretaries, Administrative Assistants, etc.  We are here to support and network with others who have the same or similar educational job duties.

Members follow us into the future……share your memories!!!

43 years of adventure and friendship!!!!!


 SDAEOP established in 1980

SDEOP established in 2023